ES Challenge #1 - For 1 Week, Make Breakfast your Biggest Meal of the Day.

ES Challenge #1 - For 1 Week, Make Breakfast your Biggest Meal of the Day.

...Lunch the second biggest & dinner the smallest. 


When you eat a large breakfast consisting of protein, carbohydrates, some fat, fiber & little to no sugar you give your body & brain nutrients that will energize your morning and set yourself up have energy all day long. 
You will stay full longer if you eat a solid meal first thing & will have less tendency to binge at lunch or dinner. 
OR god forbid you get HANGRY.  Don’t let that happen. 
So big breakfast! 
Next , medium size lunch. Load up on veggies, protein and do not forget some fat, like nuts to satisfy & prevent afternoon blood sugar dip. 
Finish with a small, snack like dinner. 
This will allow your body to focus on repair and recovery during sleep, not trying to digest a huge meal. 

Go ahead, try it for a week. I am sure you will see your energy, mood and productivity increase.

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